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PARALLAX (from Ancient Greek παράλλαξις  parállaxis = alteration) is the effect whereby the position or direction of an object appears to differ when viewed from different positions.


PARALLAX is an initiative exploring the intersection between art and science from a critical standpoint. We focus on building collaborations between people that are interested in different disciplines, are project oriented and based on collective support. Our weekly PARALLAX LAB meetings involve discussions, experimentation and workshops. External projects can also be supported by the lab through resource sharing, discussion of technical questions and more. 

If you are interested in participating or collaborating, feel free to send us an email or come by to our meetings. Any non-academic qualifications and diverse identities are welcomed.

Our space is not open for any form of racism, sexism or discrimination.

Parallax Lab is run by Clara Roca-Sastre, Emma Sokoll, Charlotte Maurer, Lena Kocutar, Victoria Martínez and Julia Cremers. 


© Rasmus Bell

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